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Do They Need It Or Just Want It? Managing Specific Requests for ADA Accomodation

  • December 12, 2024
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom

Speaker: Rachel Shaw

When employees ask for something specific, like “work from home,” “no working Fridays,” or “needs an office” employers can find themselves in a frustrating situation. Sometimes the requests are due to a health care provider really evaluating what they believe is best for their patient, but sometimes it is just the provider relaying what your employee may want or desire in the workplace. Regardless, when accommodations are what is requested, and if you want to be able to consider alternative accommodations and/or ensure that the need is medical related, you need to Tool Up!

Join the industry leader in Disability Compliance, Rachel Shaw, as she expertly guides you through how to engage in the ADA/FEHA disability interactive process to gather functional limitations to 1) confirm that the employee has a covered disability and 2) ensure that you are finding an implementing the best accommodations for your organization and your full workforce!

Come with questions, leave with solutions and tools you can immediately implement in your Organizations. After this session you will also know why Rachel’s trainings are always standing room only!

Thankfully we have unlimited remote seats so we will save one for you!   

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