By-Laws |
Section 1. This association shall be known as the “PSHRA-Southern California Chapter" Public Sector Human Resources Association, hereinafter called the Association.
Section 2. The jurisdictional area of the Association shall be the region which is known as Southern California. The principal office of the Association shall be at the address of the President of the Association, which shall be noted in the margin next to this Article, this shall not be considered as an Amendment of the Bylaws.
The objectives of this Association shall be:
To provide a forum for persons engaged in public human resources administration to discuss subjects of mutual interest.
To provide opportunities for professional development.
To encourage and facilitate cooperative action among public agencies on human resources problems and issues.
Section 1. Kinds of Membership. There shall be four kinds of membership in the Association: Full, Affiliate, Honorary Life, and Student.
1. Full members shall be persons who are employed by management in a professional or technical capacity in public or private human resources management; or instructors in the same field. Full members may be Officers and Directors and may vote on all issues that come before the membership.
2. Affiliate members shall be persons with an interest in public human resources administration. But who do not meet the requirements for full members.
3. Honorary life members shall be persons recognized by the Association for their contributions to public human resources personnel administration and the Association. Honorary life members may be Officers and Directors and may vote on all issues that come before the membership.
4. Student members shall be any full-time graduate or undergraduate student, or any person participating in a formal public service internship program sponsored by a recognized academic institution and cannot otherwise be currently employed by an HR agency. All benefits are accessed online only.
Section 2. Election of Members. All applications for membership shall be reviewed by the Vice President for Membership, or in that Officer's absence, a person appointed by the President, and those approved shall be forwarded with recommendations to the Board of Directors. Final decisions regarding the credentials of all applicants shall be made by majority vote of the Board of Directors present at the meeting during which membership applications are reviewed.
In extenuating circumstances (such as the ability to enjoy membership rates for PSHRA-SC events), the Vice-President of Membership is authorized to approve membership and so notify the Board of Directors at the subsequent meeting immediately following such action.
Section 3. Interpretation. Requests for interpretations of credential requirements and election requirements shall be referred to the Board of Directors whose decision shall be final. It is understood that all personal pronouns, and words containing the prefix or suffix "them/they", used in these By-laws are generic, applying equally to all genders and identities.
Section 1. Association dues for members shall be established annually by the Board of Directors. Honorary Life members shall be exempt from payment of dues.
Section 2. The membership year for dues and all other purposes shall be from January 1st through December 31st of the same year. Effective July 1, 2025, the membership year for dues and all other purposes shall be from July 1st through June 30th. All active memberships in effect as of December 31, 2024, shall automatically extend to June 30, 2025, to allow for this transition.
Section 3. Nonpayment of dues by August 1st shall be considered as equivalent to resignation from the Association. To reestablish membership, it shall be necessary to submit a new application and pay the required dues.
Section 1. The governing body of the Association shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the seven officers of the Association and four (4) other Board members, and the past President.
Section 2. The officers of the Association shall be:
Section 4. The Board of Directors may, by a majority vote of those present, remove any Officer or Director for: 1) misfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance o f the duties of the officer; or 2) who fails to attend three (3) consecutive Board meetings without excuse.
Section 1. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of no fewer than three Full or Honorary Life members and communicate the Nominating Committee to the members in the most expeditious manner. Full or Honorary Life members may make nominations in writing to the Nominating Committee during the nominating season. Nominations must state that the nominee would accept the nomination.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall report all nominations, including those made by the Nominating Committee, at a regular meeting of the members at the Annual Workshop. At this time, the President shall call for additional nominations from the floor. Such nominations must be accepted by the nominees.
Section 3. Officers and other members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by a vote of Full and Honorary Life members. Voting shall be by ballot by means of mail, electronic mail, or any other method approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors. To be elected to an office, a candidate must receive a simple majority of the votes cast for that office. Voting shall take place within 30 days of the Annual Workshop and the results announced via the website and email.
Officers and other members of the Board of Directors who are elected shall be installed at a regular meeting in June.
Section 4. The term of office for Officers shall be two (2) years. The term of office for other elected Board members shall be two (2) years.
Section 5. The President shall make an appointment, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, to an office of an elected Board member which has been vacated before the incumbent's term has expired. Appointments will be to fill the unexpired term.
Section 6. The President, President-Elect, and Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years. Vice President-Programs, Vice President-Membership, Secretary, and Communications Director shall be elected in odd numbered years. Two elected Board members shall be elected on even numbered years and two on odd numbered years.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the members shall be scheduled as determined by the Board of Directors. One of these shall be the annual meeting of the members in June, at which the Officers for the coming year shall be installed.
Section 2. The President shall call, at the request of the Board of Directors, or any ten or more members, special meetings of the members to discuss matters which are unusual or critical in character. The subjects to be discussed at such meetings shall be specifically set forth in the announcements of the respective meetings.
Section 3. The presence of fifteen (15) Full or Honorary Life members shall be required to transact business at any regular or specially called meeting of the members.
Section1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of business in the Association, except where such rules are in conflict or inconsistent with the Bylaws or Special Rules of Order of the Association (See Section 2).
Section 2. The Board of Directors may adopt special rules for the conduct of meetings of the members, the regular business of the Association, or the performance of duties by the members of the Board of Directors and the Association committees, Special Rules of Order shall become standing rules upon an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Full and Honorary Life members present at a regular meeting of the members.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws may be initiated by action of the Board of Directors or upon written petition signed by at least ten (10) members of the Association. Amendments initiated by petition shall be addressed to the President for submission to the membership.
Section 2. Proposed amendments shall then be submitted to the members in writing at least thirty days in advance of the date on which they are to be voted on by the members. In the case of proposed amendments initiated by petition, the text of the amendments may be accompanied by the recommendation of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The affirmative vote by email ballot of a simple majority of the full and honorary voting shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment.
Section 4. An adopted amendment shall become effective immediately upon adoption unless otherwise specified.
Amended: April 26, 1979, January 12, 1983, May 2, 1984, June 1, 1987, July 16, 1993, May 16, 2003, June 20, 2005, June 7, 2010, April 11, 2019, and February 16, 2024.